Personality & Gender

This graph shows how the number of boys, girls, and total extroverts. In this graph, there are eleven boys shown. Two were perceiving and intuitive “feelers”. Another two were intuitive and judging “feelers”. Three were intuitive and judging “thinkers”. Two were sensing, perceiving “thinkers”. The final two were judging and sensing “feelers”. In contrast, there were thirteen girl extroverts. Six were intuitive and perceiving “feelers”. Two girls were intuitive and judging “feelers”. Four were sensing and perceiving “feelers”. The final female extrovert was a sensing and perceiving “thinker”.

This graph shows the number of boys, girls, and total introverts. In this graph, there are four boys shown. Two were intuitive and perceiving “feelers”. One was a sensing and perceiving “thinker”. The final boy introvert was a sensing and judging “thinker”. The only two female introverts were intuitive and judging “feelers”.