The purpose of the personality based on gender experiment was to determine
whether gender had any affect on personality. To do this, thirty students were
found; fifteen boys and fifteen girls. They were all seventh graders at
Takoma Park Middle School so that age would not be a variable. During
seventh grade lunch, on various days, five different students were tested using
the Jung Typology Personality Test, based on Meyers-Briggs. The testing was
done in the school media center to prevent having yet another variable. For
that matter, the same computers were used each time as well. Those who gave
the test were the same, except that for some trials one of the test-givers was
not there. After all thirty students had been tested, the results were put into
charts and graphs. From there conclusions were made from the data. The data
was that eight students had resulting types of ENFPs (six girls, two boys),
four ENFJs (two and two), three ENTJs (all boys), four ESFPs (all girls),
three ESTPs (one girl and two boys), two ESFJs (both boys), two INFPs (both
boys), four INTPs (two and two), one ISTP and one ISTJ (both boys). From
this data, more boys were “thinkers” than girls. More of the girls were feeling,
perceiving, intuitive extroverts, or the same, but instead of intuitive, sensing.
If the project were to be done again, the results would be more accurate since
there would be more known about the characteristics of personality. |