Background Research
Experiment Overview
This experiment was conducted for multiple reasons. First, it is
interesting how insight may be gained of a person from a scientific method.
Also, it is interesting to see what the user’s personality type is because it
helps them to understand and learn how to make their self a better person.
Third, this experiment also related gender to personality to help people
understand one another. Overall, this experiment showed the relation of
gender and personality. That is why this experiment was conducted.
Through this experiment, it was hoped to learn the differences in
personality between boys and girls. The hypothesis of this experiment was
that if the test subject’s gender was different than another test subject’s
gender, then the personality types would be different. The general procedure
that was followed to conduct this experiment was to first gather the test
subjects in either room 207A (seventh grade floor’s computer lab) or the IMC
(media center) in groups of five. Then the test subjects were instructed how
to complete their part in the experiment and the purpose of the experiment.
The test subjects’ procedure is to, as honestly as possible, answer the seventy-
two questions and click the “Score It!” button when finished. Upon doing so,
they are to inform the scientists of the completion and allow them to record
the results and any other data that may be required (for example, the amount
of time it took the subject to finish the test, gender, etc.). Then they are to
freely continue on with their regular schedules, unless an error was made and
they will then need to be called upon again and either complete the procedure
or fix the error if it was not anything to do with the test (for example,
misreported data as in the resulting type). A table will be produced after all
data is counted as correct and no further errors occurred. Finally the data
was analyzed, a pattern was found, and conclusions were be made.
Isabel Briggs Meyers
For this experiment, it was necessary to research many topics. The first is
the Myers-Briggs test method/theory. Isabel Briggs Myers developed the
Myers-Briggs theory. Isabel was the daughter of Lyman J. Briggs and
Katharine Myers. She was born in Washington D.C. on October 18, 1897. Ms.
Briggs Myers spent her whole life creating the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
test (MBTI). During WWII, Isabel had a new motive for creating the MBTI.
She thought that if people knew their personality type, their understanding of
one another would improve, and thus stop the war. Although this did not work,
the Myers-Briggs test is still being used to this date. Statistics show that at
least two million people take the Myers-Briggs test per year. It has been
translated into sixteen different languages, and is used all over the world. The
Meyers-Briggs theory was created due to Isabel’s interest on Jung’s work
(that being the Jung Typology Test). The test helps people choose jobs that
will fit their type, and employers pick their employees.
General Personality
The second necessary research topic is personality in general. Personality
is the way that someone feels, thinks, and acts. It can help a person understand
his/herself better. This relates to the experiment because it will be testing
many people’s personality. There are many theories involving personality.
There are three aspects of unconsciousness. The first is biological. This means
that people come into this world with certain given traits. These are certain
instincts that one automatically knows, and temperament, or inborn,
personality, the way you were born. The second aspect is social
unconsciousness. This includes one’s language, social taboos, and cultural habits.
These are all the things that people have learned so well and so long ago that
they have become “second nature”. Third is personal unconscious. This feature
includes the unconscious ego. It is composed of personal habits; all those things
that have been learned well that it is no longer need to be conscious of them in
order to perform them (for example, knowing how to drive so skillfully that
the driver can comb their hair, talk on a cell phone, light a cigarette, and
notice the attractive person in the rear view mirror at the same time). This is
in contrast to consciousness (or awareness). It is not as available to
traditional research methods as unconsciousness. However it can be seen as the
ability to experience the world (external and internal) as well as how it is
interpreted by people as biological, social, and individual organisms. It could
be added that it may be consciousness that also provides people with the
freedom to choose among the choices available (for example, free will and
self-determination). The most important thing about consciousness is that it is
personal. It is within this personal consciousness that all “psychology” takes
place. Everything that is felt, perceived, thought, and done is based on the
person’s subjective view of the world, which may be significantly different
from the next person’s. Therefore, in order to understand people, it is needed
to understand them from the inside.
Jung Typology
A third source, Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, states that there are
certain theories involved in Jung Typology Test. In the results of the test, it
lists four letters that tell the resulting personality. The first letter is either
an “E” or an “I”. That letter defines the cause and path of energy appearance
for a person. The “E” stands for extrovert, and an extrovert has a foundation
and route of energy appearance mainly in the external world; the “I”, for
introvert, means the person has a source of energy mainly in the internal
world. The second letter of the resulted type may be an “S” or “N”. This letter
refers to the way information is received be a person. If the second letter is
an “S”, the person is sensing, meaning that the person receives information
directly from the external world. If it is an “N”, the person is intuitive, which
means the person receives information from the internal (or imaginary) world.
A third letter corresponds with how the person processes the information
received. This is depicted with a “T” or an “F”. A “T” represents thinking,
meaning the person makes their decisions primarily through logic. An “F”
signifies feeling, which means the person makes their decisions based on their
emotions. The fourth and final letter displays how the person uses that
information processed. It will be either a “J” or “P”. If a person is judging (J),
then s/he plans all life occurrences and sticks to those plans. A perceiving (P)
person will be made to improvise and find alternatives. Isabel Briggs-Meyers
added this fourth criterion later, making the test also known as the Jung -
Myers-Briggs Typology Test. The test results are called a type, of which
there are sixteen. The type is made up of a combination of the resulting four
letters, its formula. A sensing, thinking, and judging introvert would be
“ISTJ”. An intuitive, feeling, and perceiving extrovert would be “ENFP”. The
Jung Typology Test determines the user’s type, after seventy-two questions
are answered, and the “Score It!” button is clicked. A person’s type is valuable
in many ways to anyone, but for this experiment it is determine whether or not
personality is affected by gender.
In conclusion, much was needed to be researched in order to get even a
mere grasp of the concepts and theories of personality, and how the typology
tests work. Even so, a grasp is a handful for middle school scientists: after
all, people like Isabel Briggs-Meyers spent their lifetimes on such things, and
thanks to them, people today have their work to give themselves a head start
on even more theories and concepts of their own.