If a person’s gender is different than that of another’s, then their
personality types will different as well. This experiment proved that.
Although a person’s personality differs from person to person, regardless of
gender, this experiment was done to find a pattern between boys’ and girls’
personality, and see if gender at least slightly influenced personality.
With the results of this experiment, the girls turned out to be more
extroverted than the boys (thirteen versus eleven). The majority of the girls
were feeling, perceiving, intuitive extroverts (ENFP), or the same, but instead
of intuitive they were sensing (six and four). The majority of the resulting
boys’ types were more evenly spread out. Furthermore, more boys were a
variation of a “thinking” type (six versus one).
Many things were learned through this experiment. First, personality
affects gender. Second, there are many variables to consider when doing a
project with gender as the independent variable. Finally, it is not completely
possible to restrain test subjects from talking with one another while they
take the test. Those were some of the things learned by conducting this
In this experiment, the accuracy was satisfactory, if not good. The people
being tested were not allowed to engage in conversation during the test, and
were only allowed to talk to the testers. Second, all of the people tested were
tested in the same place at the same time of day (12:30 in the Media Center of
Takoma Park Middle School). As you can see, several controls were kept, but,
despite these efforts, there were some problems in the accuracy. Not all of
the people that were tested were tested on the same day. Because of this, one
person being tested may have been in a bad mood, and therefore, could have
answered one of the questions untruthfully. Second, although there was no
talking allowed, there ended up being some. This could have thrown off results.
Third, some of the people that had already been tested told others what the
test was like, and what their results were. Although it is seriously doubtful,
this could have altered results. Overall, the experiment’s accuracy was good,
and some of these concerns may not be true.
In the future, if this experiment was to be conducted again, some changes
could be made to help the accuracy of this experiment. First, there could be
shields between the computers of the people being tested. This would help
prevent talking. Second, all of the people being tested could be tested on the
same day. Third, all of the people tested could be required to sign a paper
saying that they will not tell anyone anything that appeared on the test, or
their personality type. Those are some measures that could be taken to
improve the accuracy of this experiment.