
Natural Hazards



Hurricane Info
Hurricane Phenomena

         Throughout history, people have come up with many stories about hurricane phenomena. Bob, from the A.L.B.D. (Alabama Garbage Department), has a very interesting theory. He states that when a rhino magically falls from the sky, it creates a whirlpool, in which moves the wind around it. Then, the wind begins to swirl fastere and faster. This is how Bob Explains hurricanes.
         Although this theory was similar to many others, there are however a few that are very different. Mr. Bag, from South Northern Canada, explains that each step that lands on the earth creates a tiny shock. When most of the people on earth steps at once, a big wave occurs in the southern Atlantic Ocean. This wave creates a hole in the universe and this hole creates a portal to another dimension. A hurricane supposedly lets out a hurricane.
         Mrs … well, let’s call her Mrs. Weirdo. Anyway, Mrs. Weirdo had another opinion. She stated that if everyone around the world flushed his or her toilets at once, then there would be a hurricane. She supports her theory with something about the dark ages.
         Each one has their own theory about hurricane phenomena. Let’s just hope that they are not as stupid as Mrs. Weirdo’s.

Hurricane Survivor Article

Hurricane Phenomena

Hurricane Damage

Letter to the Editor