
Natural Hazards



Hurricane Info

Storms Destroys... How it can hurt people
Tornadoes homes, people, cattle, telephone lines, animals, cars, airplanes, bridges, property, roads, airports, buildings, desks, fences, farms, plants, billboards, etc... Tornadoes mostly kill people by sucking them up into the sky and thrashing them about in the air. If the person is still alive, then when they fall down after the tornado, they usually die. Also, flying wood and metal could kill people.
Thunderstorms Electricity lines, telephone lines, people, cars, homes, trees, plants, buildings, animals, etc... Thunderstorms can hurt people because the lightning created by the storms could zap and kill the victims. Also, the flooding that occurs after big storms could drown people
Blizzards Phone lines, electricity lines, animals, plants, people, etc... Blizzards could kill people because blizzards cause roads to be slippery and cause people to have short vision. So, car drivers could die from blizzards if they are not careful.
Hurricanes houses, buildings, shores, people, animals, telephone lines, roads, cars, trains, billboards, plants, trees, beaches, boats, desks, fences, barns, etc... Hurricanes can kill people because the winds can blow metal and other hard things into people. Also, hurricanes can drown people because of the rain. Last, hurricanes could make buildings topple down on people
Hailstorms Windows, cars, houses, animals, people, buildings, airplanes, trains, buses, telephone poples, lights, etc... Hailstorms can kill people because hailstorms often have very fast ice balls. These ice balls could hit people on the head and kill them. Also, the ice balls could brake windows, which could cut people really bad.

How to read a weather map

Week Forecast

Different Storms

Top 10 Most Devastating Storms