Chapter 1

!Chapter 1 Problem 3
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let length=3.152
let width=5.67
let area=length * width
Print "The area of a rectangle with length"; length; "and a width of"; width; "would be"; area; "square feet."

!Chapter 1 Problem 4
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let side=124
let height=73
let Volume=(side^2 *height) / 3
Print "The volume of a square pyramid with side lengths
Print "of"; side; "and a height of"; height
Print "would be"; volume; "cubed feet."

!Chapter 1 Problem 5
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let original=43276
let end=44871
let gallons=62.3
let miles=end-original
let mpg=miles / gallons
Print "The miles per gallon that the car got"
Print "over";gallons;"gallons of gas over a trip"
Print "of";miles;"miles would be";mpg;"."

!Chapter 1 Problem 6
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let end=13.56
let start=11.35
let dif=end-start
let avgmi=dif/12
Print "The average monthly increase for stock"
Print "was $";avgmi;"per share if at the start of year it"
Print "was $";start;"per share and $";end;"per share at the end of the year."

!Chapter 1 Problem 7
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let celsius=15
let convert=(9/5)*celsius + 32
Print "If the temperature is";celsius;"degrees Celsius, then it"
Print "will be";convert;"degress Fahrenheit."

!Chapter 1 Problem 8
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let miles=3.2
let convert=miles * 5280 * 12 * 2.54
Print miles;"miles is equal to";convert;"centimeters."

!Chapter 1 Problem 9
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let ozbox=48
let lbbox=80
let ozprice=2.25
let lbprice=4.1
let cpoza=(ozprice)/(ozbox)
let cpozb=(lbprice)/(lbbox)
let rdedcpoza=round(cpoza,2)
let rdedcpozb=round(cpozb,2)
Print "The unit price (cost per ounce) for a 48-ounce box of detergent"
Print "is $";rdedcpoza;"and the unit price for a 5-pound box of detergent"
Print "is $";rdedcpozb;"."

!Chapter 1 Problem 10
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let ozbox=48
let lbbox=80
let ozprice=2.25-.25
let lbprice=4.1-.5
let cpoza=(ozprice)/(ozbox)
let cpozb=(lbprice)/(lbbox)
let rdedcpoza=round(cpoza,2)
let rdedcpozb=round(cpozb,2)
Print "The unit price (cost per ounce) for a 48-ounce box of detergent"
Print "is $";rdedcpoza;"and the unit price for a 5-pound box of detergent"
Print "is $";rdedcpozb;"with the coupons."

!Chapter 1 Problem 11
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let bill= 423.73
let tax=.0825
let billwtax= (tax * bill)+bill
let tip=.12 * bill
let totalbill= billwtax + tip
let rdedbill= round(totalbill,2)
Print "The total damage done to Bob Hurt with 8.25% tax and a 12% tip"
Print "was $";rdedbill;"."

!Chapter 1 Problem 12
!Iliya Smithka
!Pd. 7
let principle= 2500
let rate= 7.35
let months= 3
let monthlyinterest= principle * (rate/1200)
let total= monthlyinterest * 18
let final= total+principle-(monthlyinterest*3)
let rdedfinal= round(final,2)
Print "The interest of $";principle
Print "after";months;"months and a interest rate of";rate
Print "% is";monthlyinterest*3;"and the amount of money that Bob will receive"
Print "is $";rdedfinal;"."